Whenever we need to start a production project we need to understand that there are a couple of things that needs to be present while filming shooting and editing different products for this reason there is a concept of equipment planning.

Equipment planning comprises of different that is required for a particular project summer projects required equipment to be sourced. usually production houses have a checklist that includes all the equipment used in any project. We will take an example of a production project and move our way into how this process works. In our previous shoot we went to northern areas of Pakistan and we needed to cover a fashion film and a music video of a pop song these two were huge projects and they needed to be filmed edited and required a three day shooting schedule. 

The equipment needs to be sourced because not every equipment can be bought and kept since a lot of projects doesn’t need all the equipment’s and it’s maintenance cost and storage cost can hurt the business finances. 

To prepare a checklist for the project we need to take on the most general equipment this type of equipment is necessary for all kinds of shoots it requires 

1. Mics

2. Cameras/DSLRs

3. Wide Angle Lens

4. Portrait Lens, Close up lens

5. Tripods

6. Gorilla Stand

7. Stabilizer (Gimbles) 

8. Extra Batteries and Memory Cards 

These are like a must to go kit if there are projects like music video a Drone is a must to capture the scenic shots, A laptop is required whenever a shoot is planned since memory cards should be freed up to accommodate more data. 

After all the Equipment are brought or leased they need to be tested and needs to be set one day before the scheduled shoot so that it doesn’t malfunction on the day of event and have been tested. We learned this lesson the hard way but for the beginners it is something they should be educated about. 

While story boarding it should be mentioned that which equipment will be used where and when so that the technical guys have an idea that where they should place and for how long a particular equipment will be sued.

Lighting is something that needs to be check and planned on the day of shoots since we can not predict the conditions of the weather, for outdoor shoots it is required to set cameras settings accordingly, for inside lights should be installed and checked accordingly, some lights such as studio lights should be placed and their exposure should be set to minimal for closes up shots and adjusted accordingly. 

In conclusion Equipment Planning will help you save a lot of time and also save your projects from being delayed or will have a good impression on you as a professional firm. Make sure to keep an equipment planning checklist so you don’t forget to miss on any planning before hand and might forget anything before your shoots.