A lot of people don't think of postproduction as a necessary part of the process people usually underestimate how much potential post-production has and how much influence post-production has on the whole production. In the production process, post-production is probably the most important part of the process because in this part where creators can give the storyboard life.

There is a couple of software that are required in the postproduction businesses that usually use the Adobe suite. it is recommended and used throughout the industry not just because of its easy user interface but also because of its features that can be run on a normal computer machine which makes it easier for freelancers and independent video-makers to use it. Post-production comprises all the editing, combining, rendering, music addition, color grading Etc. this probably takes a lot of time because of heavy files that are to be shortlisted and narrowed down to just a few second shots that are then used in the final video. 

most of the time there are a lot of hardware problems due to which productions are usually affected but in this process, those problems can be fixed through software, for instance, the productions are using different cameras with different filters and in the final edit we need to have everything with the same colors, so before the introduction of software in the post-production process the desired outcome wasn't always delivered to the end customers but now due to different software, you can easily correct any physical or hardware issues that might arise during the production process. 

in this era due to technology post productions have become so important because all of our film industry is based on the post-productions Green screens have become a norm in the productions although we had three or seven productions believe that the more organic a shot is better to capture that experience but due to high budgets a lot of augmented reality is being incorporated into this post productions through the addition of a green screen and editing software. it's important to note that post-production can only work if the required amount of footage is available if the footage is not available full production can get quite difficult.

We can also have a checklist for post-production that can assist the post-production manager to know where he is lacking and what can we improve post-production also involves the mixing of audios and also optimizing the sounds during the production process because sound and the music are something that has to go along the video sequence because if we have a different video genre and different music going on that will not be very appealing to the end-users and this is very important for production houses because they have to incorporate everything as per the requirement of their clients or as per the requirements of their own project.

Post-production is probably the last stage of the production process and if it goes well that means the whole production process has been successful but if it's not executed right then there is only one part that can be changed and revised.