In order to execute a perfect shot, it's very essential to strike a perfect mix between various elements that complement a perfect video shoot. One of the elements is equipment planning. Equipment planning plays a very vital role in video productions. An effective equipment plan can help you save time, costs, and reputation, as well as maintain and deliver the best quality possible. The equipment planning process could be very frustrating as there are major decisions that need to be taken and the stakes are usually very high. In case of failure to plan the repercussions are immense, therefore having a perfect equipment plan is very essential.

The first step to equipment planning is to determine whether you're outsourcing the equipment or doing it in-house, with your own equipment.

Most production houses invest their own money in equipment, while other production houses get their equipment from third-party lenders.

Setting a budget for acquisition is also very essential when planning for equipment. Evaluating the costs associated with the acquisition of equipment as well as other fixed costs also plays an important role in seamless equipment planning

In case of a first-time shoot, various locations can be shortlisted from where the equipment can be acquired, this could include various camera equipment shops in your vicinity, and based on reviews of the place as well as customer experience, one can take the decision of sourcing their equipment from there.

Following the sourcing of equipment, storyboarding is the next step, storyboarding is basically the process of joining the dots together into a complete picture. Various elements of the shoot are considered, then evaluated based on their viability and how these would add value to the shoot. Considering all these aspects a proper meaning of the shoot is established.

Evaluating where various equipment will be placed is also a part of equipment planning, this includes the distance between the subject and the camera to get the perfect shot as well as the various angles that need to be captured to make sure the quality of the shoot is maintained. Placement of Microphone, lighting, props, etc. all should be considered as a part of the equipment planning

In conclusion, all the aspects mentioned above if all of these elements are considered appropriate to the theme and the resonance of the storyboard. The overall production costs can considerably be reduced resulting in better allocation of resources and maximum efficiency