The term media might be relatively new, but it goes back.

Media means any medium used to disseminate any sort of information or news through a specific tool.

Centuries ago, it was used through letters and memos King would use and usually information used to travel through messengers.


fast forward to today we have all sorts of mediums from a centralized system to a decentralized one a revolution in media has already taken place but this isn't stopping anytime soon.


This revolution has taken a new course when social media was introduced. This gave the voice to those who were always unheard, yes, I am talking about citizens that were never heard and always have been fed state-sponsored propaganda.


The biggest obstacle this revolution faced or in some countries is still facing is censorship. This not only encourages the state to have a good hold on the information they want to disseminate but it allows the narrative building to be a piece of cake. Since no one is here to uncover the truth and that's the biggest tool in any Monarchy to Dictatorship present in this contemporary global politics.


Since the inception of Social Media, a new wave of content writers has emerged. In this age anyone can be an influencer, social media celebrity, or rise to fame, it's all about how quickly the content is spreading. At first, we had emails, and fast forward now we have WhatsApp, irrespective of the credibility of the news it spreads like a wildfire. Apart from the news and propaganda side of the Media, it can be q powerful tool for communication and sharing expression.


Nowadays everyone wants to share what they've been through and we believe what's the best way of communicating to your audience is, if not through a video? In this new age of media, everyone is passionate about something, and it can lead to a lot of creative ways to express themselves, this new age of digital media is paving way for another sort of profession, and it's called The Influencer.

So, the whole concept of this is to have tons of followers and you are able to influence your audience's preference and taste these days people are worshipping their influencers online and businesses are using it rightfully so. They invented a new term it called Influencer Marketing.

That's how powerful the media has become from once a tool to share information between to kingdoms to influencing people's interests.


We still haven't touched upon the entertainment side of the media and how much it has evolved in that particular field maybe it's a topic for another day. Here at Stereoseven Productions we are once again reforming and transforming the way communication is done through media and portraying the stories of those who really matter.