It is a process of editing shots and putting them in a sequence that makes sense. All the video shots are combined to make a film. Video editing is such a delicate task. Videos are the elite way to catch your audience’s attention compared with books, magazines, or any other article that requires an attention span of more than 10sec. anyways videos have been a great way to send a message to the audience in a subtle way. To some people video editing is an art to others it’s a skill and not everyone could have the technique, which could be true, but it narrows down to interest.


Now and then, a film is released with such tense anticipation and glitzy visual beauty that the general audience is lured to this theatrical portrayal of life in the theatre. Even if it's only for two hours or so, you're immersed in a different world. It could be action, drama, or comedy. We are forced to adopt a new way of thinking. We are compelled to learn the thoughts and feelings of the characters. The amount of effort and aesthetic expertise that goes into these wonderful films is difficult to match. Only a small percentage of the thousands of films created each year are genuinely deserving of the designation "film art."

As I already mentioned video editing is crucial. Now you have a lot of video shots, but you have to align them, so they make sense. You have to make sure it’s not repetitive, longer than it should be, or maybe if it’s too short.


We are trying to make sure that the audience receives a message from our video, so if it’s too short or too long I might miss the whole point of the video. So, make it consistent and just right enough that our message is received loud and clear.

Technologies are changing every day but so is our audience, the attention spans our today’s generation are shorter than the previous generation and we all know what’s coming next. So, need to be concise and to the point about the film. We also have to make it look exciting something that’s appealing to our target audience. Something exciting that makes them excited or curious, or both would do. Just like most of the shows these days do, they leave the episode at a cliffhanger, so the audience is eager to watch more. That’s the general move in filmmaking.

So, video editing is crucial. It’s not just assembling the right videos, it’s also about quality, graphics, and music. It’s hard to find music that’s not copyrighted, then it’s important to match your video’s theme, or what is it called these days ‘it should be a vibe’. Good music is a muse, if it’s soothing, it’s comforting for the audience. It it’s pop/rock music it gets them excited. So, either way, it’s a win-win.

It also really gets boring at some point. Watching the same clip again and again and then listened to the same music. You want to kill yourself at one point. But then, at last, you see the final video, and you love it. And you know it was all worth it. 

So that’s about it when it comes to video editing.