Television commercials have become a significant part of people's daily lives. Hundreds of millions of people in the United States and throughout the world watch television and commercials every day. Nowadays, television commercials are fairly common. They appear in a public place where a large number of people may hear and see them. Commercials, for example, are more likely to be heard on the radio, during a football game with a large audience, and on television. Advertisements are frequently seen, particularly on television. The most effective technique for company industries to take benefit from showcasing advertisements is through television.


Advertisements are mostly targeted at specific demographics. These individuals range in age from children to adults, and from health freaks to drug freaks. However, the most crucial aspect of advertising is to get people to notice your product and buy it. The food industry has attempted to advertise in as many various ways as possible to persuade customers to purchase its products. Advertising has made it easy for most people to go into a restaurant or store and buy their products through ads on television and radio, as well as advertisements in newspapers and magazines. There is a lot of false promise in advertising. There may be a lot of delight, happiness, and exaggeration in advertisements. People, on the other hand, are prone to becoming subconscious as a result of that commercial.


The audience frequently feels compelled to be linked with the advertisement. Advertisements often feature a lot of satisfaction and exaggeration to make consumers feel like they are affiliated with the advertiser.


Advantages of TV Commercials;


·       It enhances people's lifestyles by providing motivation.
·       They can draw in a broader audience.
·       Because they combine acoustic and visual elements, they tend to attract greater attention.
·       In comparison to other forms of advertising, a television commercial can be less expensive.
·       You can attract the attention of a larger target group audience if you choose the proper channel and time slot.
·       It aids in the development of a brand's or organization's image.
·       A good commercial can make an emotional connection with the audience.
·       It attracts the attention of a broader audience.
·       According to your target group, you can choose the region you want to promote in.
·       They have a greater ability to leave a lasting impression in people’s minds.



Disadvantages of a TV Commercial;

·       The audience tends to change channels during commercials, causing the commercial to be wasted.
·       A TV commercial can be expensive to produce.
·       You can't be sure if it's reaching your desired target audience because it's broadcast to a bigger audience.
·       In comparison to print media, it is more difficult to make modifications to a TV commercial.
·       Because the commercial is only 30 seconds long, it's feasible that many will miss it. Unless you advertise it frequently, which will undoubtedly be very expensive.
·       Because there are so many fish in the lake, if your commercial is not entertaining or original, it will not leave an impression on the audience. You must be distinctive to be remembered.