This probably the easiest yet most complex task when it comes to production team. Managing a team is a bit difficult since you need to create synergy between everyone and make clear communication. Team building is probably the task which will take the longest time but if it is executed perfectly this means that you will have a better workforce for a longer period of time which can ultimately have a very good outlook on your production house because these things will eventually be your brand’s ambassador.

Before starting the hiring process, you should be equipped with the basic knowledge of human resource management this will not only assist you to understand that who is required for which position but also understand how to motivate employees and get their tasks done. Once you have found the right person for right job you need to equip them with the basic tools and resources required to perform that particular job or their duties. Once you familiarize yourself with the team You need to create a cross functional synergy between them know one may ask why the synergy is important this not only allows for different ideas to come on board but also allow the executives to think out of the box. 

After having everyone on board you need to realize that how you can build a perfect relationship and communication between the old team you need to understand whether the delegation of tasks should be in a very autonomous way or should the team be empowered. having a strong thing can lead to more efficient job completion rate and allow for projects will be completed on time with no further delays.

Production requires different duties to be done simultaneously which means a cameraman would be filming while a director will be directing the video the lighting and equipment guy would be assisting all the teams And the quality control manager would be overseeing everyone so that the overall production is according to the standard of the organization or the production house in some scenarios you don't have to micromanage all of the team members because some of the time you need to give them the creative freedom to act upon their own wealth to get the best out of the production. Onset is their chemistry between all the team members should be on the same page because during filming all the team members should be in full coordination with each other which means that everyone should be clear with their job description and who's responsible for one task. The element of trust is necessary because the production head cannot oversee every and each one of the remember.

In the post production the team should also be in contact with the production staff during the filming because the postproduction team’s input is necessary this whole collective process through with different members can have a different experience and different ideas and collectively create something is only possible if everyone understand and work with coherence throughout the process