History proves that behind every greater invention there was always this one idea. It’s always an idea, a mere thought that leads to greater things in life.

Does it always start with an idea, Bored? Yes, let’s hang out! An idea.

Want to do something creative? Yes, let’s write a blog, An idea! So, what is an idea?

“Idea generation is described as the process of creating, developing, and communicating abstract, concrete, or visual ideas. It is the front-end part of the idea management funnel, and it focuses on coming up with possible solutions to perceived or actual problems and opportunities.”


But how do we generate an idea? Sometimes an idea pops up with zero effort. But other times we need to think hard because we need to have a pleasant notion to proceed with our plan or project. Sometimes you need to brainstorm an idea.

“Brainstorming is an idea-generation tool designed to produce a large number of ideas through the interaction of a group of people.”

There are four methods of group brainstorming.

1.     Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is writing an idea in the center of a board or a paper. Then write each person’s idea as a branch of it. It creates a rough mind map, but it creates a picture.

2.     Brainwriting

Brainwriting is everyone writes ideas on a paper in a specific time, then that paper is passed on, this way everyone writes ideas on everyone’s paper and at the end, those ideas are put together on a board.

3.     Rapid Ideation

Rapid ideation is Inviting everyone to write down as many ideas as they can in a certain amount of time. When the buzzer goes off, collect the ideas, and share them with the group.

4.     Star Busting

Star bursting helps groups explore ideas by asking specific questions about the brainstorming topic.


At times we need a team effort to put together an idea. But we should make sure to encourage everyone and not criticize someone’s idea except constructive criticism. Which may add to its value.



If you work smart idea generation is not the hard part. Proceeding with the idea is. How we choose to plan after we have a brilliant idea is the tricky part.

Most of the times people flinch at your ideas because they do not have the courage to proceed. But a writer once said.

“An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.”

― Oscar Wilde

An idea should be intimidating enough to motivate us. It we are planning to work hard on it, it should be worth it.

Talking about production house, their main aim is to produce films, write scripts direct the employees working on that project. But what is the first step of all; yeah, that’s right an idea of how the film will be produced, what would be the theme, story, cast, and purpose of the particular project.

Hence, we should always take idea generation seriously, we should try to be creative and generate effective ideas.